Tuesday, October 11, 2011

why is urine yellow?


haritu, tiba2, out of the blue, ada orang tetibe persoalkan kat emon, kenapa air kencing kita kuning?? lemon pun dok fikir lah sendiri, terlupa seketika dengan kewujudan internet, haha, then, lemon pun jelajah lah internet cari explanation yang simple,, *jeng3* dan jumpe lah yang ni,

by the way, FUTURE DOCTORS,
 ini adalah fakta yang anda wajib tahu.

Some European alchemists in the middle ages apparently thought one possible reason was that there was gold in urine. This led to fruitless, and possibly quite disgusting, efforts to extract that gold.
*bole pulak fikir camtu ye,haha*

The yellow color in urine is due to chemicals called urobilins. These are the breakdown products of the bile pigment bilirubin. Bilirubin is itself a breakdown product of the heme part of hemoglobin from worn-out red blood cells. Most bilirubin is partly broken down in the liver, stored in the gall bladder, broken down some more in the intestines, and excreted in the feces (its metabolites are what make feces brown), but some remains in the bloodstream to be extracted by the kidneys where, converted to urobilins, it gives urine that familiar yellow tint.
*haa, baru la tau hakikat air kencing kita*

These same yellow chemicals also cause the yellow color of jaundice and of bruises, both of which result when more hemoglobin than usual is being broken down and/or the processing of its breakdown products by the liver is not able to keep up.

last but not least, jangan lah anggap apa yg lemon share ni tak senonoh ye, ni perkongsian ilmu semata, kalau x bminat, kenapa boleh baca sampai sini?? hahah kantoi

ehh sebelum terbuat tindakan plagiarism, info ini dikutip dari


thank you!

itu saja-


harumaki said...

betul2...baru belajar. masa darah dihapuskan kat liver,(sebab ajal dah sampai, umo dy 120 hari je. RBC hanya mampu hidup dan mati tanpa membiak, kerana tiada nukleus/DNA untuk mengreplikasi) RBC membrane akan rupture, mengeluarkan partikel Hb. RBC perlu menjalani takdir ni ntk menyeimbangkan komposisi darah.

Kmudian Hb akan terbahagi menjadi heme (iron+biliverdin)dan globin (protein). Iron dan protein akan diserap balik oleh badan ntk digunakan semula, manakala biliverdin akan direduced menjadi bilirubin. Dan ia disimpan didalam bile duct ntk menjadi 'perwarna' stool.

Sekadar perkongsian ilmu. Jom sama-sama teroka kehebatan perancangan Allah yg teliti ni !! >,<!!

"...In yourself, why don't you see.." (az-Zariyat: 21)

Anonymous said...

hehe bez2..dpt blaja bi0..ch0melll2~